To help you discover if you would benefit from our fellowship, it is suggested that you complete the 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis. If you answer yes to any combination of these questions and think you may be struggling with sex and love addiction, you are welcome in S.L.A.A.
The S.L.A.A. Basic Text is available at
An essential piece of literature to help you start and stay with the program is the S.L.A.A. Basic Text. This book contains information about discovering the illness, beginning recovery, defining sobriety, the Twelve Steps of S.L.A.A. and contains personal stories of others who have gone from addiction to recovery.
There are also pamphlets that can be of great help. These include the Welcome pamphlet, An Introduction to Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Suggestions for Newcomers, Questions Beginners Ask, and Addiction and Recovery.
The Twelve Step program of S.L.A.A. has helped many of us break free from the grip of sex and love addiction. You Are Not Alone.
You will find helpful resources in this area as you seek your recovery. The resources in this area may or may not be conference approved, and should be considered as such. As we say in our program, "Take what works and leave the rest."